Sunday, August 1, 2010

The Harris Family: Chapter Three

Hey, I'm back and I've brought babies! I know I keep posting a whole bunch of chapters but in a few weeks this flow of chapters will probably slow down. But let's not worry about that yet! :D
When we last left off, I was in labor.

My wish came true! I named him Andy (after Andy Six of Black Veil Brides). I've decided that all males will be named after musicians I like. And girls will just get whatever name pops into my head.
I always rush to the cake because infantry is boring and I hate it.

He looks identical to Grant. He's got the gorgeous hair and even matching red shoes :D

Grant decides to teach Andy about the importance of hair care. You wouldn't want it to get all poofy and rainbow-y.

I decided that our town needed something other than ugly townies so I moved in a bunch of sims from my sim bin. We even got a next door neighbor! I immediately ran next door, hoping to sleaze around with some sexy men.
This is Casey Waldon and he is emo-licious. I may not have found a house full of sexy college guys but I did find a cute man who still thinks teen angst looks good on him.
As you can see, I'm all over him. Poor Grant. I know he's just a little pixel man and not a real person but I still felt really bad for making my simself betray him. I really like Grant. He just hangs around the house, fixing things, cleaning things, playing with Andy, and not making a big fuss. He's like a maid only better.
Despite the fact I felt bad, I didn't change my ways. I mean how can you resist that swoopy hair and the eyeliner?

When I took this picture I had a killer caption thought up, but then when I looked at it outside of the game I forgot it...I was too distracted by that glowing thing on Casey's eye. That wasn't there when I took the picture. POLTERGEIST! THERE'S A POLTERGEIST IN MY PICTURE! OMG!!!1!!

How could you resist that face? (Note: The next 4 or 5 pictures got lost in translation. Sorry about that but it doesn't make much of a difference.)

Grant has successfully taught Andy all his skills in the time I spent sleazing it up at Casey's house. And I also just realized that Andy has girl hair. I obviously need to change that.
Here's his new hair! I like it and I think he's sort of cute. However, I sure hope that nose looks better as he grows. I'm not sure if it's mine or Grant's but it looks pretty ogre-ish on a toddler. No offence to either of them. ♥
Oh hey, I must have had some bad biscuits.

While I'm at home vomiting out all my internal organs, Grant and Andy go out for some father son bonding. Aka, a manly game of catch.
How cute! He throws like a girl! I don't think he's qualified to teach his son baseball.

Andy has a look on his face like "Oh my god, that ball is going to kill me if I don't catch it!"

...Why are all the objects so big? I've never seen a baseball bigger than my head.

Note: I'd like to point out the fact that they drove all the way across town to play catch on the side of the road by a bunch of cliffs....even though they have open space all around the house.
After that they went shopping. Even Grant knows he's gorgeous.
"It's tough being beautiful."

Later that day, I find out that I'm pregnant! ....With Casey's baby. Just before that, Grant and I got married in the bathroom. And then I had a boring pregnancy and here I am in labor again.

This is Jane and the only picture she's smiling in. I'm sure she's going to have that same emo-tastic look that Casey has. Anyway, this is where I stop. I'll be back soon with more from the Harris'. :)
-Love, Olivia.

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