Tuesday, August 3, 2010

The Harris Family: Chapter 6

Hello! Sit back and relax because this is a long chapter of the Harris Family. Last time, Kyle was born, we had a bunch of birthdays, and a heir was going to be chosen. Note: A bunch of days past from the last chapter but they were pretty uneventful and I knew I would have important things to capture.

As you can see, Jane is pretty mad about something. Maybe it's the grumpy trait or maybe it's because she didn't get to be the heiress.

Our heir is....*drumroll* Kyle and you'll see why after this joint birthday party is over.

What is with Andy and his girl hair? Someone needs to tell him how unflattering it is.
And here's Kyle. He doesn't look like much here but I think he's heir potential.

Here's Andy. His wife is going to be one lucky girl. :)

And this is Kyle, the emo/nerd look really fits him. Maybe I'm insane but I think he's adorable.

"So then I was all 'Yeah well at least I'm not ugly' and then she was all 'Umm...You need to buy a mirror'. She's delusional. Don't you agree, Kyle?"

"Um sure. It's 2am, can I go to sleep now?"

Andy's moving out into the big, bad dangerous world. Actually, no. Crimes don't exist in the sims so there's nothing to worry about.
This is Veronica Armstrong (from my old legacy way back when) and I thought she'd make a good spouse for Andy. And yes, I admit it. I pre-picked their spouses. I don't want a bunch of filthy townies marrying into this family. (/stuckuprichpersonjoke)

-Hours of flirting later-

Sneak attack kiss!

-More hours of flirting and kissing later-
My little boy's growing up! :')

I was completely surprised she even said yes. Their relationship bar was not very high, I was just impatient.
Baby makin'! Oh and since I forgot to get a picture later on, they have a daughter named Ramona. Next chapter, I'll get pictures. I swear.

Have you noticed how most of my sims have that dark, punk feel to them?
Jane wasted no time aging up on the sidewalk and then pouncing on Mr. Ashton Fields.
Their relationship was amazing. I'm not even kidding, they were kissing within like an hour. They're either meant to be or Jane is easy.
I wish you could pick the rings or something. Everytime it's the same bright, glowing white ring. So sick of it.
Ashton seems pretty happy about the ring though. Which is good because he's the one wearing it, not me (thank god for that).
You know where this leads.

Back at the Harris home, Kyle looks pretty upset about being left behind with Grant and I.

He pretty much just skilled his entire teenage years away. Pretty depressing. He didn't even have any friends other than Britta something or other. And she constantly begged us for money.
You can tell Grant wishes Andy were still here. Those two were best friends. He and Kyle don't have much in common.
Kyle has at least one point for every skill. Pretty impressive since he's still just a teen.
Edward Cakehands.
All the kids are growing up :( Oh well, at least I get to unleash a whole new generation of demon spawn onto the world.
So cute!
Here he is after his makeover! Yeah I stole Casey's sweater, deal with it. (And I don't know why his face looks so wrinkly here. It doesn't look like that outside of CAS)

He packed up his bags and moved all the way across town to this nice little house.
But he didn't stay there long. He had to go visit his siblings. :)

Jane was giving birth when he arrived. She brought home a little boy named Melvin. (I'll get some pictures of him later)

That's when Kyle noticed that there was someone else living here. Someone besides his siblings and their spouses.

A girl named Cordelia Marks. As soon as Kyle met her, he knew she was the one. (He rolled a wish to fall in love with her so I of course, agreed.)

She felt the spark too. ;)

By the end of the night, they were officially dating. She even asked him to spend the night.

Kyle happily agreed. (In case you were wondering, they did not woohoo. Sheesh.)
The next morning, Kyle went home to practice his guitar. He's a virtuoso just like Grant.

A few days later, Kyle decided he had to see Cordelia again. He had an important question for her.

But first they had dinner and a dance party.
Then Kyle popped the question.
She was so thrilled that they got married right there at the bistro.
Well, this is the end of this chapter. Next time, they'll officially start their life together.
So what are your thoughts on everyone's spouses? :)
-Love, Olivia