Sunday, September 12, 2010

The Cooper Legacy: Chapter 1

Hey welcome to the Cooper Legacy! I'm aiming this more towards a reality type deal but I'll be the narrator/Camerachick/Bestie, so you won't have to suffer through any dumb "Voices in my head!" jokes. Just some good ole Kardashian fun. Err. I mean Cooper fun. Yeah.

Venture into the great beyond?

First let's tour their...-cough- gorgeous house. This is the bedroom.

And this is the Dining room/living room.

And don't forget the kitchen!

Here's the tiny restroom and that's about all there is to see.

This lovely young woman is Rae Cooper.

And this is her, always attractive, room mate.

I forgot to show you the outside of the house. Yeah. Here it is. Twinbrook sure is lovely. Our house is smack dab in the middle of a swamp and it looks like we're preparing for a zombie invasion. A house on stilts. Pfft. As if. Any way, now the real stuff starts.

Grant: What's up? I'm Grant.

Rae: He's so hot. OMGOMGOMG. Oh what? Yeah I'm Rae.

Rae: It's so great to be living here. We're like in a swamp and stuff. We can be like...totally trashy because we have no neighbors to judge us! It's like so great!
Grant: Oh. Yeah. It's pretty cool, I guess. When's Late Night coming out? I wanna live in a city and go to clubs and party and drink and stuff.
Rae: Like oh my gawd yes! As soon as you make some money, we're like totally moving.

Rae: blah blah blah flirt blah blah

Newsboy: Oh my gawd. In a hurry. Gotta move. Out of my way. Don't trip and drown in the pond.

Newsboy: This job sucks. I have to deliver newspapers in a swamp to a bunch of weirdos. Why do I have to work? Doesn't this go against child labor laws? Day in and day out, I have to get up early and ride a bike all over town and blah blah blah rant blah.

Rae: So hi Grant.
Grant: We've only been talking for like 3 hours but hi.
Rae: You're so hott.
Grant: Uh...

Rae: If I tried to kiss you, would you reject me?
Grant: Yeah, probably.
That was smooth Rae.
Rae: Teehee! Ima do it!

Rae: -Mwaa kissy face-
Grant: Err no thanks. I'll pass.

Grant: Um...Her odd behavior turns me on.

Grant: Lalala! Staring at the wall because we're too poor to afford a tv!

Sexycowboyman: Yeehaw! Young and purty! Them here parts don't see many of those city folks like you.
Rae: Heh..What?
Rae: Heh. Guess what Grant?
Grant: What?
Rae: That scary cowboy thought I was cute!
Grant: ...That son of a -

Rae: Don't insult him! He didn't mean anything by it. Just hug me.
Grant: Um yeah. Okay.

They're so cute together! :D
Rae: -whisper- Ima try again, okay Olivia?

Awww! Best first kiss ever!
Okay now I'm just getting sick of all the lovey-dovey stuff.
Rae: Hey. Wanna be my boyfriend?
Grant: Sure.

Grant: I have a super fine girlfriend.
No! Not until you're married! Or at least wait until you've had a first date. I mean come on! Have some class.

Yeah. There's no class here.
Rae: I'm a good cook. It takes skill to grill hot dogs at outside, at night, in your underwear.

Aww! :D That warms my icy heart!

Grant: I missed carpool on my first day as playground monitor! Who will monitor the children now?

Rae: 74 dollars? I think we can afford that!

Rae: Ha! Oh my gawd! Look at the detergent! It's not coming from the box! I'm like an illusionist or something!

Rae: I have a strong urge to put on pink pajamas.
At least it's a little less revealing than your other ones.
Rae: Bleh. Whatever. I don't want people to see my pregnant belly anymore.
And there you have it. She's having a baby.

With that in mind, I thought we should change up the house a little.

Still the same stuff, just recolored.

Now it looks like a little apartment rather than a big ugly shack.

Grant: This burnt hot dog from the other day still tastes good.
Rae: Meh. It could be better.
Hey where's perky, annoying Rae?
Rae: She got pregnant before marriage and had to be stoned to death. I'm here in her place.
Oh cool. Have fun with that.
Grant: Let me massage your aching back, sweetie.
Rae: Yeah. I guess that feels good. Meh.
Aww! They're the cutest couple ever!
Grant: Holy sht! I forgot there was a mirror there.
Rae: Pregnancy sucks. I hate these pajamas.

Rae: I hate doing dishes.
Rae: Mmph smack. Oh yeah.

Grant: Oh gee. Look at the time! I need to get to work.Rae: I feel...odd.

Rae: Heh. Violent stomach pains.

Grant: Hey honey! I'm home. How was your day?
Rae: It was pretty crappy. There was something I was doing just a second ago though....

Rae: Heh heh. Oh yeah. I was in labor!
Grant: WHAT? Seriously?
Grant: -slow motion- What do I doooo?
Meet Vegas Cooper! Isn't he adorable? He's got his mommy's hair! :D
But sadly, this is where we stop.
-Will they ever move into a better house?
-Why did I name a child Vegas?
-Is Rae even fit to be a parent?
-Will Grant's hotness melt your eyes?

Find out next time on The cooper Legacy!

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