Rae: I can't wait for you to move out either. Too bad you won't take your sister with you.
Veronica: Woo! I get to be heiress! I'm hardcore and you're not!
Veronica: Woo! I get to be heiress! I'm hardcore and you're not!
Vegas: I'm afraid to open my eyes. It's disgusting, right?
Vegas: Phew. Glad that's over. I looked even more white trash than our house.
I was on a birthday role so here goes Veronica.
Veronica: I'm going to be sexy!
Veronica: Jesus Christ! What the hell? I look like a freakin' lunatic.
Veronica: That was the worst five minutes of my life.
Veronica and Vegas seem to have some new...neighbors. *nudge nudge wink wink*
This is Felix Armstrong and he's so adorable.
And this is Aurora Andrews.
Felix: Oh my god. You're so hott.
Felix: -swoon- she called me cute!
I didn't really know what was happening here. It said hug but he looks like he's about to kiss her. Either way, it made me laugh. :D
Felix: No. I'm single.
Aurora: Not anymore.
And second kiss!
Aww! I just love my little sim couples! :D
No problem. Just don't do anything stupid.
So much for not doing anything stupid.
Vegas: Marry me?
Aurora: Yes! I do!
Aw Felix is so sweet! I want him!
And with that, Vegas moved out and I had Felix take his place in our house. He and Veronica are not married though.
On a super exciting note, I was able to add a bedroom for Felix and Veronica! :D
Tell me about it.
Veronica: -blarf- If Felix got me pregnant, I'm going to be so mad.
Felix: Doing laundry is so much fun! They must have saved all those giant piles for me! How kind! Veronica: Ooh. Yeah I don't think a makeover will help. You might need to get a nose job too.
It's Veronica's first day and she's already insulting the clients.
It's Veronica's first day and she's already insulting the clients.
Felix: I changed my mind. Laundy is stupid. These people just leave it all over the floor. We have a hamper for a reason!
-Will Felix and Veronica get married?
-Will they have a boy or a girl?
-Will Felix unleash his personality on the house? (let me just say it's pretty bad.)
I'll try to get the next chapter out as soon as possible.
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