Tuesday, November 16, 2010

The Cooper Legacy: Chapter 11

Hello everyone. I hope you enjoy the last chapter's style because I'm going to be continuing that.

Shane Sahara was one of the most well-known celebrities. Everyone was talking about him, boys, girls, young, old. Sure he couldn't go out much but he enjoyed the fame. In fact, he fed off it.

He'd go around to clubs, partying and getting wasted. They didn't even have to be nice ones. He visited The Grind a lot but never once did he see his ex-wife there.

He'd often whip out his guitar and play a song or two for the crowds. The fans were always thankful and would ask to get pictures with him afterward.

He did all sorts of things for the fans. He'd even go to schools, though he probably wasn't the best influence on the young minds.

Meanwhile, Ramona had started drinking. Not alcohol, mind you. Sure cared for the baby in her stomach but rather, it was caffeine.

She truly missed Shane and she had trouble sleeping at night without him by her side so she stuck with the caffeine to keep herself functioning.

One day, her sister Marlowe had come to visit. Turns out Marlowe was also pregnant but unlike Ramona, Marlowe had married Clyde once she knew.

Clyde: So I guess this is the end of the band.
Ramona: I guess it is.
Clyde: Have you heard from Shane? He won't answer my calls.
Ramona: No...he broke up with me.
Clyde: Oh...I'm sorry.

Even though Ramona had quit music for good, the paparazzi still creeped around her house. They would even take pictures through her windows.

That night, Ramona went into labor. All alone in a big, empty house.

Meet Xenotine Cooper. For months, it was just Ramona and Xenotine. She taught him how to talk, how to walk, and even potty trained him. But then one day months after her messy breakup, there was a knock on the door.

Ramona: Hold on!
Ramona picked up Xenotine and hurried to the door.

She was shocked by the person she saw. She thought she'd never see him again. Deep down, she still loved him and had been dying to see him again.

Shane: Look, I'm so sorry about what I did to you guys. My family should be more important than my fame.
Ramona: We forgive you. Anyway, this is your son. Xenotine.

Shane held Xenotine for the first time. His son was already a toddler, able to form little strings of words and he'd missed all of that. Xenotine snuggled into him, knowing this was his father.

Shane immediately loved his son and he hoped he'd be as successful as he was.

But he had other things to worry about at the moment. Like kindling the flame he'd so violently put out.

Ramona took him back immediately. She'd been waiting for this day for months.

They'd both missed each other more than either of them wanted to admit.

Shane: Okay, so I know this will probably hurt my popularity but...

Shane: Will you be my wife?

Ramona: I will but please don't leave us again.

Ooh yeah. Sexy eyes.

Xenotine: I like dis dolly. Dis one makes me happy

Xenotine: Peek a boo! I bet you didn't even see me!

Ramona decided to hire a butler who could make dinners, clean, and look after Xenotine while they were out. His name was Josh and he had an awesome monocle.

Xenotine: I wanna go on a boat! I like dis boat!

Xenotine had potential to grow up into a major heart breaker but even now they could tell he was too sweet to do that to anyone.

Shane had only been back in the house for a few weeks but he was gone most of the time recording his new album.

Ramona didn't notice. She was too wrapped up in Xenotine. She loved him more than she had ever loved anything.

Ramona: I love you, buddy.
Xenotine: Wuv you, too.

Ramona started feeling sick though. Note the full face vomitting. That's gotta hurt.

Shane was in the room but didn't even notice her. He was too busy primping before he went back to the studio.

Shane decided to mix this album all on his own so he had to spend even more time there.

All of his songs were completely distorted, much like his life.

When it was finally finished, he didn't even know what to do anymore. He wasn't ready to be a full time father so he'd linger around the studio, cinemas, and clubs.

More sexy eyes.

Ramona realized that she was pregnant once again. She feared Shane's reaction due to the last time she'd announced it.

Ramona: Um Shane, I'm...pregnant. Again.

Shane: Seriously?

Shane: This is great! I'll get to help teach this one! And I can help name it!

Shane: Hi little guy, I'm your daddy.

Shane: We'll get to do all sorts of fun things together.

Xenotine would often babble in his mother's ear about all the pretty things he'd seen and all the little stories he'd made up.

He became so animated and lively when talking about everything even when what he was saying made no sense at all.

Xenotine never talked about the flowers or the bunnies when he was with Shane though. In fact, he remained very silent.

Shane was oblivious. He was always busy with something else.

The butler, Joshua cared more for Xenotine than Shane seemed to.

Lols at this glitch. Is he eating cake or soup?

He's so talented. He can hold a full bowl and play guitar at the same time!

Ramona interrupted the fun bowl glitches to give birth to their newest child.

Shane: Oh shit! The bowl just smashed through my head!

Shane: Oh my god and you're giving birth too!

Wait a second. Where's the new baby? That's just Xenotine.
Note: Sorry the picture of him will be here soon. I lost the original so you'll just have to wait to meet him.

Nice to see you, Spider.
Spider: Ya, it'd be better if I hadn't drown in a pool.
Nice to see you aren't bitter.

It's time for Xenotine's birthday. :)

Aw isn't he cute? :)
Xenotine: You think so? Thanks

Xenotine may look moody but he's really sweet. He feed his little brother when no one else is around. :)

Speaking of which, this here is Haze Cooper.

Shane: Hey Zen, I'm going out tonight. Take care of your Mom and Haze.
Xenotine: Okay, I'll try.

Shane was going to a party that night at the home of a troubled, young celebrity. She'd done everything and was all over the tabloids.

In fact, Darlene had recently shaved her head.

After a few drinks, Shane didn't even notice.

He didn't even think of Ramona the entire time he was with Darlene.

He was celebrity Shane, not family Shane. It was almost as if he was living two lives.

The next morning, Shane finally came home.

Ramona: Where were you last night, Shane?
Shane: Hanging with Clyde.
Ramona: Huh? That's odd. This tabloid begs to differ.
Shane: What's it say?
Ramona: Says you were out partying. They even have you pictures of you kissing another woman.

Ramona: I thought this was real? Don't you care about your sons? Was this all just an act?

Shane: Of course not. I love my sons.

Shane: Not you though. You're an evil bitch! I love the boys but they aren't worth putting up with you over!

Shane: Your boys?

Shane: They're my children too and I don't think you're fit to raise them. They should come with me.

Ramona: You? PAH! Like you could ever take care of a child! You can't even keep your pants on!

Shane: That's it. We're over. For good this time. Don't even call me. And if the boys miss me, tell them they never had a father.

Ramona: You're horrible! What did the boys ever do to you?

Ramona was tough and she wasn't afraid to hurt the man who'd hurt her and her sons.

That was the last time any of them saw Shane again.

Ramona cried but not for the lost husband. She cried because her boys would never know a father.

Speaking of her boys, Haze's birthday had crept up on them.

Haze grew up extremely intelligent but he was just a little bit eccentric.

He'd often talk out theories and such with himself.

He'd read books all about science and the universe then share what he'd learned with his mother.

Meanwhile, Xenotine would watch television. All the time. He was a big fan of music videos but he rarely found those on t.v so he settled for reality shows.

As a child, he became friends with Josh. He'd suggest new outfits for him to wear but Josh just preferred the suit.

He would always thank Xenotine for the advice though because he knew it made him feel good.

Another one of his good friend's was his Grandpa Spider. Every night Spider came to haunt, Xenotine would rush to greet him.

Spider was a very... angry ghost though.

Xenotine's birthday had snuck up on all of us.
Xenotine: I wish for...some good friends

Xenotine: Shewww

Xenotine grew up into a very...flamboyant teenager. He was very attractive though.

Note: His outfit is not stereotyping anyone. I loosely based it off the band LMFAO's style so don't get all pissy. I'm not saying anything about anyone.

Xenotine was very interested in bar tending. He enjoyed mixing up random drinks and testing them out.

They didn't always turn out good.

In fact, some he couldn't even choke down.

Haze rode to his first day of Elementary school and Xenotine would drive himself.

He'd even made friends on his first day. They were twins and liked fashion much like him. This was Opal James.

And this was her brother Gavin James.

Isn't he just the cutest thing?

Xentine: You've got really cool hair. I like it like that.
Opal and Gavin would come home with him almost everyday and they all became very close.

Xenotine was naturally friendly. He'd hug them both everyday before they left.

Opal always seemed a little hurt when Xenotine would hug Gavin just a little bit longer. She'd developed a slight crush on him over the weeks.

Xenotine never noticed though. He only had eyes for one person but he wasn't sure that person felt the same. At least not until one day when they were alone in his bedroom, working on homework.

Xenotine: So...There's something I've been wanting to do for a while, Gavin.
Gavin: What is it?

And with that, Xenotine realized who he really was.

Gavin accepted him with open arms which was a good sign. Xenotine had experienced enough hurt so far.

Xenotine: Do you think maybe you'd want to be more than friends?
Gavin: Your boyfriend?
Xenotine: Yeah exactly.
Gavin: You know I do.

They shared a quick kiss but then the door opened.

Ramona had let Opal in, not realizing what was going on upstairs.

All Opal saw was her brother kissing the boy she liked and was instantly heart broken.

That's all for now. :) I hope you liked it.
-Will Opal forgive Xenotine and Gavin?
-How will Ramona take the news?
-Will Xenotine continue bartending?

Find out next time.

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