Tuesday, August 3, 2010

The Harris Family: Chapter 5

Hey! I'm back with more from the Harris Family. The heir will be officially chosen next chapter and since we don't seem to have any viewers, I guess I'll just pick the heir if no one comments.
Anyway, last time I was in the middle of giving birth.

Here's the newest addition to the family. His name is Kyle (After Kyle of Breathe Carolina) and he's Grant's child! :D

I'm too impatient to wait for infantry to be over so he had an instant birthday.

I have no idea where the black hair came from but he's very cute.

This melts my heart!
The only person who doesn't like Kyle is Jane. Jealous, much?
The next day I noticed that Grant and I were getting a little stir crazy so I thought it'd be a nice day for a white wedding...Err. I mean a stroll in the park.
I have a bunch of stick in the mud's. Who plays chess at the park?

Look who's talking though. (Note: I'm pretty sure I'm reading one of the books I wrote.)
Best motivation to walk ever.
She might be swinging but she's still thinking about depressing things like heart break or missing a good concert.
At least we have one kid who can enjoy himself.

Childhood goes by fast when all you do is mope around.

She's smiling! Maybe this is a good sign for her future.

Looks like she's ready for jog...to a clothing store.
Here she is after the makeover. Aren't they just the cutest? :)

I couldn't resist getting a picture of her angry face. That's the grumpy trait for ya.
A few boring days later, it's time for Kyle to become a child.
No need to worry though, he's always happy to catch the house on fire.
TA DA! :) This is where I stop!
Whoshould be heir? Andy the kind athletic boy who's terrified of water? What about Jane the absent minded, always grumpy, and sometimes moody secret daughter of Casey? Or how about Kyle the excitable virtuoso?
Leave a comment telling me who I should chose. I can't decide who I like best.

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