Thursday, December 16, 2010

The Silva Legacy

I, Olivia, am starting a new legacy. It will be the Silva legacy and will be located alllll the way over here. Bookmark it or something because it's coming really soon (right after I finish the website and then actually start gameplay. Ha)

Monday, December 13, 2010

Spite and Malice

Hey guys. I finished a little project earlier than I thought so check out my new sims!

Spite Graves (a remake of Shane Sahara from the Cooper Legacy) dropped out of school to become a musician but at one of their gigs in a dumpy bar, he met Malice Vanity. Malice was the local party girl, going out and getting drunk every night. She was very persuasive, she could convince anyone to do anything which is why Spite quite his band for her.

Now they two of them spend all their time together, often traveling all over the world to see and do everything.

Here's the time Spite visited the city.

Here's the time Malice and Spite when scuba diving without any gear and instead danced. (Sorry I don't know why that one is so much bigger)

Spite and Malice at a rave. They forgot their glowsticks so they just danced. (Malice was grinding)

This is the time they sat in a flower, romantically.

Happy Holidays from Spite and Malice!

I don't remember this but it probably happened.

Here are more pictures from their rave.

When they stopped at a nightclub.

When their car broke down so they danced in the road.

When Malice Vanity went to space.

When Malice was floating through space past a nebula.

The time they almost got devoured by a bear.

And my personal favorite. :)

Spite and Malice are definitely my favorite couple, even if they're stuck-up jerks.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

So Sorry

Uh-oh. It's Olivia. Is anyone still around? Probably not. Sorry, I've been super busy and I felt really bad last week so I couldn't get around to making anymore chapters of the Cooper Legacy. Not only that but there's a slight chance I could have lost the family. I don't know for sure yet but it's likely. My game has been crashing a lot.

I have yet to install the new patch though. So maybe that will fix the problem. As for the Cooper's, I'm not sure if they're safe. I promise that I will be back in about a week with all kinds of fun stuff. That's when break starts. I have lots of plans. If the Cooper's are gone, I might start a story. Probably a mystery. Maybe a legacy. I don't know.

I will be updating Olivia's Photo booth with all kinds of new models and pictures. I've been really wanting to do that. I have lots of ideas but not enough time at the moment.

I will in a week though. So see ya then! :)

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

The Loves

First there was Allie, then the Kibbles, now the Loves!

Sunday, November 21, 2010


Hello guys. It's Olivia. I do not have a new chapter ready but I am updating the archive on the side.

I'm also adding a couple more pages and generally just fixing up the site a little bit. The new chapter of The Cooper's will be out soon. :)

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

The Cooper Legacy: Chapter 11

Hello everyone. I hope you enjoy the last chapter's style because I'm going to be continuing that.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

The Cooper Legacy: Chapter 10 - A New Style

The Cooper's have returned! :) Before we start, I just wanted to let you know that this is a long chapter and that I spent absolutely no time on this generation's childhood. I have big plans for their lives and I wanted to add some drama. So you'll see them go from not even born to adults in one chapter. Enjoy.

Monday, November 8, 2010

The Cooper Legacy: Chapter 9

I know I keep spamming with chapters but I don't really have anything going on at the moment so...Enjoy. I try to keep them short so you don't have to spend a lot of time reading them and because I can put them out more often. I don't want reading it to be like a chore.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

The Cooper Legacy: Chapter 8.2

The Cooper's are back with the second half of the last chapter. I moved this chapter along quickly and there are lots of birthdays, they were being really boring and I didn't even have anything to photograph.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

The Cooper Legacy: Chapter 8.1

The Cooper's are back...again. I thought the last chapter was too short so I made an even shorter chapter to accompany it. Chapter 8.2 will either be out tomorrow or later on this week. So enjoy this mini chapter, it's full of exciting stuff.

The Cooper Legacy: Chapter 7

Hey guys! The Cooper's are finally back after a short break. We did have a few rough spots but I paved them over and hopefully you'll enjoy this chapter. If not, I'll make the next ones better.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

The Cooper Legacy: Chapter 6

Hello, I'm back with more from the Cooper's. NOTE: These are the last pictures I have and I am unable to play my game at the moment so I don't know when we'll be back.
Read. Enjoy. Leave feedback. Do whatever you want. :)

The Cooper Legacy: Chapter 5

Hey guys! The Coopers are back! Since it's been a while, I'll give you a recap and then the fun will begin! :D

Saturday, September 25, 2010

The Cooper Legacy: Chapter Uh-oh

So here's the deal. I HATE EA! I installed the new patch but it won't let me play my game saying "You need to patch your game before you can play" (or something like that)

Luckily, I've got about 80 pictures I need to put up so that'll get me maybe one long chapter or two short ones. I'll probably get those out sometime this week.

After those are gone...then it might be a while before another chapter comes out. I am not giving up on the Coopers though. They will return eventually.

Thanks for putting up with this crap,
Olivia. ;)

Sunday, September 19, 2010

The Kibbles

ha. hhahahahahahha. The Kibbles.

No seriously.

It's my new legacy. Because I'm a copycat and copied off of Olivia, so therefore, that makes me a copycat.

Alrighty. So I didn't by chance get anymore interesting on my hiatus so bare with me please.

This is Janelle & Oliver Kibble

This would be their house. Horrible, right?

They get perky chunkers for neighbors to go along.

For being hot-headed, Oliver enjoys acquainting himself.

Oliver: Lady, you should look into Weight Watchers, seriously. Those cheese burgers did nothing for you.
Janelle: OLIVER!
Oliver: What?

So they leave their neighbors and begin to hold hands.
Then they kiss.

Then he awkwardly strokes her cheeks.
*eye roll*

It took you long enough.
Oliver: Stupid fatso was holdin me up.

I love this picture.
Oliver: Only because I'm in it.

So Janelle & Oliver decide to throw a wedding party at the beach. Except for everyone looks like they're dressed for a funeral.

They only invite the two neighbors who came to greet them. That tells you how quick Oliver wanted to get down to business.
Oliver: Well when you put it like that...

Aww :')

After a beautiful night at the beach, Oliver decides to attempt arson.
Oliver: WHAAAA? It wasn't my fault!
You're the one with no cooking capabilities...

Janelle: You see Mrs. Firewoman
Firefighter: Can it woman.
Janelle! Where's Oliver??
Janelle: He went to get my mother-in-law.
In other words, he wants his mommy?
Janelle: Pretty much.

I thought you were catching your mother-in-law?
Oliver: Nah. Fire was boring me. I had a book to get back to. I was dying to find out who Bella Goth's baby daddy is.
WHA? That never happened!
Oliver: Hello moron, that's why they call it "fiction". *doesn't she know anything?*
Next time, speak a little quieter.

Eating in the guest room are we?
Janelle: The table out there is dirty.
So? You're the neat one, you get on that.

How sudden of you two...
Janelle: GET. OUT.
Oliver: GET. OUT.

Aw, someone is having a baby!
Janelle: Kill me now.

I like what you've done to the place.

You're HUGE!
Janelle: Gee, thanks.

Oliver: Do the crouching tiger! It always helps me!
Janelle: You & I are talking later. As for now, GTFO.

Chantal Kiara Kibble
5:51 pm on September 19th, 2010

You can't hide from me.

aww (:

That's all for now!
*Will Chantal learn to walk/talk?
*How will she turn out?
*Are there more kids in the future?
*Will I ever have time to update this?